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Sara Moser



Sara Moser is an integral part of the pro-choice movement in San Diego, especially since she moved to La Jolla in 1968. She worked with the "Abortion Underground Railroad" to help create Planned Parenthood's Action Fund for electoral activities and worked to ensure that women gained access to a full range of reproductive and sexual health services. Sara joined the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood in 1972 and became an active volunteer leader. She served as Board Chair and lead numerous committees and campaigns, including the capital campaign to raise funds to buy the organization's first headquarters. San Diego City Councilmember Sherri Lightner declared May 10, 2011 Sara Moser Day in the City of San Diego. Moser was recognized for her commitment to community and her tireless volunteer work. Involvement in a wide range of local causes includes Planned Parenthood, the La Jolla Shores Planned District Advisory Board, the YWCA, the National Women�s Political Caucus, the American Civil Liberties Union, READ/San Diego and several others. Sara also served on the board of directors at the La Jolla Shores Association and the Women's Bank. These efforts lead to her induction into the San Diego Women's Hall of Fame as an Activist.

Women's Museum of California

C/O San Diego History Center

1649 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 939-5234

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