The San Diego County Women’s Hall of Fame respectfully requests Nominations of women who have significantly contributed to the quality of life for women and have made outstanding volunteer contributions in San Diego County.
Nominations must be submitted by October 13, 2023, to be considered for the 2024 Induction Ceremony.
Nomination Criteria
To be eligible for consideration, nominees must first meet the following criteria:
Live(d), work(ed) and/or volunteer(ed) in San Diego County.
Nominees may be living or deceased.
To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest and to support the integrity of the selection process, individual members of the Advisory Committee or the board of the Women’s Museum of California may not be nominated to the WHOF while serving.
Nomination Form Instructions
To be eligible, nominations must occur using the official nominating form. The nomination must be complete and submitted by the deadline.
Documentation to support the nomination may vary, but may include letters of recommendation from other supporters, stories clipped from print and digital publications, photos, etc.
Self-nominations or unsigned/anonymous nominations will not be accepted.
Nominators should consult with nominees who are living in advance of submitting nominations to receive their consent.
The nominee pool will be reviewed to ensure all applicants meet eligibility requirements prior to submitting to the full committee for consideration.
All required support materials, such as photos, press clippings, etc must be received before nominees will be considered.
All nominators will receive notification from the Advisory Committee regarding the outcome of the selection process. Nominators whose nominee was not selected will receive feedback on their application or instructions on how to reapply in future years, if interested.
Nominators must provide verifiable evidence that their nominee has a history of outstanding contributions and/or accomplishments performed for the broad benefit of the San Diego region and beyond in alignment with the following categories:
Trailblazer: Women who were first in their fields or whose individual accomplishments paved the way for other women.
Empowerer: Women who have significantly improved and impacted the lives of women and girls and created greater opportunities for them to excel.
Activist: Women whose advocacy and relentless pursuit of positive and lasting societal change have bettered the lives of women and all people
Cultural Bridge Builder: Women who have bridged multiple communities, resulting in social change and a more diverse and connected community.
Historian: Women who have kept our histories and cultures alive through their historical work, thereby contributing to the celebration, continuity and uplifting of our diverse communities.
If you have any questions about the nomination process or the application please email info@womensmuseumca.org